Let Your Beauty Sleep, Doctors Say

Sleep has an impeccable effect on beauty. Skimping on sleep
can be the underlying reason of many skin problems ranging
from acne to wrinkles & many more.
Why is so?
Because lack of sleep releases a hormone named ‘Cortisol’
which is considered to be the stress hormone which when
released causes inflammation of the skin. Inflammation leads to
many skin problems including flare-ups of psoriasis & eczema.
But only sleep is not enough; you need to have 6-8 hours of
sound sleep. Because during sleep our body works to remove
excess fluids from the areas of our body where it is not needed
and delivers this fluid to organs that need to be replenished.
Which means cutting down this process short leads to
accumulation of fluid in areas where ideally it should not be
(e.g. fluid accumulation under eyes a.k.a under eye bags).

Here are some benefits of sound sleep for your skin-
A Healthy Glow: Sound sleep improves circulation, therefore
skin looks glowing.
Thicker Hair: Hair follicles need nutrients to grow. This
nutrient comes from blood flow which gets hampered due to bad sleep.     So good sleep means good growth of hair &
ultimately fuller, thicker hair.
Less Wrinkles: Skin produces new collagen while we are
sleeping. More collagen means a plumper & healthy looking

So sleep well & amp; get your desired skin!

Article By: Dr. Tasnim Tamanna Haque

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