Most acne prone people often ask this question…Well, eating habits do play a role in acne production but not as much as we used to think earlier years. Chocolates and dairy products are believed to be the biggest enemies but they are yet to be proved. And to
be in the safe side, it’s better to avoid skimmed milk. In a Harvard study it was found that the milk we find in groceries have more than “16 steroid hormones” which is when consumed by the people, especially the adolescents can increase the hormone level to produce more acne..Any product which has high Glycemic Index like Saturated and Refined Food
Products, Potatoes (if it’s fried), Corn Flakes etc. can also play some role in acne formation.
On the contrary, food with low Glycemic and high vitamin and minerals like Nuts, Legumes, Apples and Green leafy vegetables can make your dreams come true of having a beautiful clear skin.
So choose wisely before you eat and stay healthy.
Article By: Dr. Tasnim Tamanna Haque